1 The club shall consist of all the members of the staff and student's as its members.
2. The executive committee of the club shall be called "VYASANAGAR COLLEGE ATHLETIC CLUB." It shall consist of the following membeffi.
(a) The Principal as the President (Ex-Officio)
(b) Vice-President nominated by the Pri'ncipal from among the members of the staff. .
(c) One or more members of the staff nominated by the principal
to help the Vice-Principal.
(d) The Physical Education Teacher.
(e) Secretary
(t) Assistant Secretary.
(g) On class representative from each class.
(h) Captains of the Football, the Cricket, the Volleyball teams and such other organised outdoor games as may exist in the college.
3. Election Rules
(a) The Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Class RCl presentatives shall be elected in the beginning of each session in the manner detetn1ined by the Principal,
Q) The captains and Vice-Captains will be selected by the Executive Committee, Only-player members will be eligible for the seleotionas Captains and Vice-Captains. However the Secretary and the Asst. Secretary are not eligible for these posts.
C) The EXecutive Committee will also nominate a Secretary, an Asst. Secretary or representative in case there are vacancies.
4. Tenure of Office:
(a)The tenure of office of all elected representatives shall be of one session. However they will catTy on their respective duties in
The foIlowing, session till a fresh election takes place. .
(b) If-the work of the elected Secretary is found to be, unsatisfactory, he will be asked by he principal to resign and another secretaty notninated by the principal will carry on the work till the next election.
(c) If a Captain remains absent himself from the field continuously for fifteen days without sufficient reason, he will ipsofacto' cease to be the Captain.
d.) The out going Secretary WiU hand over the charges of his office to the newly elected Secretary as early as possible after the election.
5. General Meeting:
There shall be an arlnual general meeting of the club on day fixedhy the Principal. At the meeting the Secretary will read his arinualreport.andpresent the estimates of account for the academic year.A.mendments to the rules of the dub will be considered at his meeting, Regulations of amendment will be torwarded to the, Principal foribe/approval.
6. Work oftbe Executive Committee:
(a) Promotion of games and athletics among the students.
(b) General Management of the dub, '
(c) Preparation of tlJ.e budget
7. Work ofthe Vice-President
He will be in charge of Correspondence and will place order for sports material needed by the club. He will also review the accounts of the club.
8. Work ofthe Secretary:
(a) He will be convener of all general and executive committee
meetings. .. .
(b) He will prepare the annual report.
(c) He will organise the college games in collaboration with the Captain and Vice-Captain. 9. Work of the Captains:
(a) They will select players for friendly or competitive matches
and they will be responsible for organsing other college games along with the Secretary.
(b) Neither the secretary nor the captains should arrange any match without the'approval of the Vice-President.
10. Work of the PET
(a) To copy all the invoices in the stock book.
(b) To keep an account of the sports materials.
(c) To look after the playground.
(d) To took to the programs' of physical education. .
(e) The Principal can veto any resolution passed by the club he can make new rules or amend any existing ones.
11. Selection committee:
A Selection committee for each, game will be formed with the following members.
(a) Vice-President
(b) Officer in charge.of the game
(c) P.E.T.
(d) Secretary
(e) Captain