The college Hostel for boys provides accommodation for 60 boarders.The Principal of the final authority in all the matters relating to the hostels. Ordinarily, he exercises control and supervision through the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, who are incharge of the day to day administration of the hostel.
Hostel Rules & Admission.
(a) Application for admission to the hostel in the prescribed proforma should be made to the Principal along with an attested copy of the mark-sheet.
(b) No student will be admitted into the hostel, until he is admitted into the college. A student Who is admitted in the hostel must abide by its rules & regulations.
(c) The hostel is normally closed during Puja Holidays and' Summer Vacation.
Hostel Mess
(a) The hostel mess is managed by the Superintendent! Asst., Superitendent with the help of a mess committee consisting of representatives of boarders.
(b) Every boarder takes meals 1n the common mess except when otherwise permitted by the Superintendent. Meals can be had in the dining hall within a period on one hour after the study hours.
(c) Stoppage of meals and arrangement for guest meals shall have to be recorded by intending boarders in the information register kept with the manager by 6.30 a.m. for lunch & by 6.30 p.m for dinner. Not more than six guest meals for a boarder can be arranged in a month 4.Re, 1/- extra will be charged for a guest meal.
Baoardersshould deposit their mess dues on the 7th or the 12th of every month. A boarder failing to clear his mess dues will not be allowed to have his meals in the hostel mess.
Unless Otherwise decided by the Superintendent the following study hours shall be observed on all days during the session expect Saturday evenings and festival days.
Morning- 7.00 a.m. to 9.00a.m.
Evening- 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m
No boarders shall be absent from his room or disturb others in any way during the study hours: .
The time to go to sleep is usually 11.00 p.m. The hostel gate remains closed during the sleeping hours. Absence,
Absence from the hostel of temporary nature shall be recorded by the boarders in a register at the gate maintained for the purpose.
The register-shall be checked from time to time by the Superintendent. Absence for a period exceedjng 24 hours requires prior permission from the Superintendent, Boarders returning after such absence shall, on their arrival, report themselves to the Superintendent.
Hostel property
Every boarder is responsible for the care of the hostel property he uses. Boarders will be charged for all damages caused by them individually or collectively. Boarders are not permitted to use any electrical appliance. Other than light.They will make their own an-arrangement for electric bulbs.
Visitors are not allowed to see the boarders in the room during studylio1.lrs. No outsiders allowed to see a hoarder in the hostel at night. In exceptional circumstances, with prior permission from the Superintendent, natural guardian of a boarder may be permitted to stay for one night pr vided that his visit has reference'to the interest or welfare of the boarder.
A form of undertaking, duly signed by every boarder that he will abi<l by the rules of the hostel, will be submitted at the time of taking adnlission into the hostel. The following shall be considered breach of discipline.
(a) Absence from the hostel without permission.
(b) Continued neglect of study.
(c) Want of cleanliness and tidiness in the room.
(d) Splitting about in the rooms and on the verandah.
(e) Singing or playing on any muscial instrument exceptduring specified hours.
(f) Making disturbing noises.
(g) Cycling on the Verandah.
(h) Writing on ordisfignring the walls, doors, windows of the building.
(i) Holding any meeting in the hostel without approval of the Superintendent.
j) Calling names or any other derogatory behaviour towards the hostel and mess employees.
(k) Indulgence in ragging.
(1) Misconduct of any other form.
(m) The superintendent will maintain a conduct register in' which the names of boarders wil1 be entered incase of misconduct Gross misconduct or repetition of breach of discipline on the part of a boarder shall render him liable tOTemOyal from the hostel.
Withdrawal from the hostel requires sanction of the PrincipaL Application for withdrawal shall, be made to the Principal through the Superintendent, who will ascertain that all dues of the hostel have been paid by the boarder. Pennission for withdrawal from the hostel will be granted on payment of the hostel leaving fee of Rs. 20/-.
There is accomodation for 100 boarders in the college A women's. hostel. A new women's Hostel function from the session 2006-07 with the accomodation for 100 boarders.
The internal management of the hostel rules with the Superintendent Deputy Superintendent.
1 .Seats in the hostel will be allotted by the superintendent on the basis of merit .
2. No boarder win be allwed to go out of the College campus without permission of the Superintedent/Deputy superintendent.
3. All boarders should be mSlde the Hostel from 6.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. Absence from the hostel during these hours without permission of the Superintendent/Deputy superintendent will be treated as an act of indiscipline. Attendance in the hostel will be marked at 6.30 p.m. in the prayer class. .
4. The parents or the guardian of boarder should submit a list of three (03) authorb d visitors in the prescibed form s.igned by them with the specimen sIgnatures of such visitors. Relationship of the authorised visitors with the boarders should be.specified.
5. An authorised visitor is allowed to call ona boarder dudng visiting hours: (4.00p.m. to 6.00 p.m.) She is to put her signature in the Visitors Book. She may, however, visit a boarder beyond the visting hours with permission of the superientendent.
6. Male visitors should be received only in the Visitor's Room. Women visitiors can enter the rooms only with the permission of Superintendent/Deputy Superindentendent.
7. Parents are allowed to visit their wards on any day between 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. with due permission from the Superintendent/ Duputy Superintendent.
8 The boarder may be allowed to visit matinee shows in local cinehiahalls only on Saturdays with the permission of the Superintendent / Deputy Superintendent. The marton must accornpany the boarders on such visits. .
9. Study hours from 7.00 a.m. to 9.30p.m. everyday will be maintained except on Saturday.
10. The hostel gate will be locked at 6.00 p.m. and shall not be opened without the permission of the Superintendent/Deputy. Superintendent.
11. No boarder wi1I be allowed to leave the hostel without a letter ofauthourity from the parents or approved guardian.
12. Female guests of boarder may be allowed to stay for one day with the permission of the, Superintendent/Deputy Superintendent under exceptional circumstances.
13 A boarder is required to sign in the vacation register at the
time ofleaving the hostel andretuming to the hostel.
14. When a boarder goes out of the campus, she should fill in
the movement register. On return she should note tbe time of return.
15. Boatders are not normally allowed to stay in the hostel during vacation. In special circumstances they may be permitted to stay for examination purpose.
16. All incoming letters and communications to the boarders will pass through the Superintendent Deputy Superintendent.
17. The following registers should be maintained in the hostel.
(a:) Visitors Book
(b) Movement Register
(c) Vacation Register
(d) Registerfor authourised guardians
(e) Stdck Register
(t) Conduct. Register
(g) Notice Book
18. All other rules for the Boy's Hostel are applicable to the Women's Hostel.