1 . All the students of the college are entitled to be the members of the Vyasanagar College Dramatic Society.
2. Every student of the college shall pay to the society's fund a Isubscription as fixed every year long with the first instalment of the
3.The Principal of the college is the ex-officio President of Dramatic Society.
4. Executive Committee:
The affairs of the society are manag d by an Executive Committee Consisting of the fonowing members.
(a) President .
(b) Vice-President nominated by the Principal from among the teaching staff.
(c) One ormore members of the staff nominated by the Principal to help the Vice-President.
(d) A Secretary and an Assistant Secretary to be elected by the students of the colIege from among themselves,
(e) One representative to be elected by the students of each class.
5. Election:
Election of the office bearers sball be held every year on a date to be fixed by the Principal.
6. Annual meeting
After the elections all over, there shall be a meeting off all the Members of Dramatic Society. The accounts of the previous year shall be received from the outgoing Secretary and newly elected office bearers shall assume the office at this meeting.
7. The executive Committee shall:
(a) Prepare and pass the budget for the year.
(b) Recommend to the Principal names of plays to be staged and the dates of the performances.
(c) Get expenditure audited.
(d) Sanction Expenditure out of reserved fund for the purpose of purchase, maintenance, repair or replacement of atiicles already purchased for the Dramatic Society.
(f)To meet from time to time and decide all other matters relating to the society.
8, All decisions taken are subject to the approval of the Principal.
9. Either the Secretary or the Asst. Secretary or the both, if they fail to discharge their duties properly, may be removed from the cofficepy the Principal or by a vote otno confidence passed by not less than2/3rd of the members of the executive Committee specially called for the purpose and ratified in a meeting of the general body.
10. The quorum for an ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee will be 1/3rd of the total members.
11. The Principal reserves the right to alter, amend or abrogate any of the rules mentioned above. If a member wants to alter or amend any of the rules, he must get it passed by 3/5th members of the Executive Committee in a meeting separately called for the purpose. .
12. Such change or amendments are subject to the approval of the Principal.
13. The principal is the final authority in all matters relating to the Society.