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The Vyasanagar Callege Magazine named as VYASASHREE is an annual publicatian carrying literary wlitings of the, students and the members of the staff. The Magazihe is edited by a, Chief Editor with the assistance of a Board of Editors, who are nominated by the, Principal fram among the members af the teaching staff.
Original literary writings in Oriya, Hindi, and English are invited during a natified periad of time every year. Other materials such as phatagraphs, drawings, and annual reparts of different associations may also be cansidered for publicatian.
Manuscripts for the magazine must be typed aut with dauble space between lines or neatly hand \\Titt n an anly ane side af fuliscape size paper. Only black and white phatographs are publigbed ift the magazine.

All Hanaurs Teaching Departments af the callege bring out monthly wall magazine. Original articles callected from the teachers and students are exhibited in it. Student cantributars of the best three articles are awarded prizes at the Annual function of the departments.


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