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I. There is an aid fund called "VYASANAGAR COLLEGE STUDENT AID FUND,
2. The object of the fund is to render financial assistance to the deserving students to meet their examination fees purchase of books.
3. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the following members to deal with matters concerning the Fund.
(a) The Principal (Ex-Officio) Chairman.
(b) One of the members of the teachi ng staff to be nomi nated
by the Principal to act as Vice-Chairman.
(c) A Secretary and an Asst. Secretary to be elected from among the students.
(d) Class representatives elected by the students of the classes concerned.
4: The Executive Committee shall recommend to the Principal the names of the deserving students for award of financial assistance from this fund.
6. The accounts of this fund are to be maintained by the college.
7. The  Principal is the [mal authority in all the matter relating to
the fund.

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