A student of this college canjoin theN.C.C. or the N.S.S. or the Rovers & Rangers unit. He / she can be a member of anyone of the three units at a time.
Three N.S.S. units, two for men students and one for womeli students, with a capacity for enrollment or students function in this college under the National Service Schewe or the Utkal University. Enrolment of volunteers is done at the beginning of the academic seesion. Any student of the college with an aptitude for social service is eligible to apply for enrolment as an N.S.S. volunteer. Three members of the teachi1.1g staff act as programme officers for each of the three units.
(i) To promote national and social consciousness and a sense
of social responsibility.
(ii) To inculcate a sense of dignity oflabour among the students.
(iii) To inculcate a sense of discipline.
(iv) To enable the students to develop a sense of involvement
with the uneducated common men and to work with them for constructive social activities.
In order to achieve the ainIS, the N .S.S. unit usually undertake
the following programmes.
(i) Initiating literacy programmes and organising literacy centres.
(ii) Environment enrichment and conservation.
(iii) Health, family welfare, nutrition programme and immunisation.
(iv) Improvement in women's status and employment.
(v) Anti-Drug drives. .
(vi) AIDS awareness campaign.
(vii) Generalawareness among the people for preservation and conservation of Historic monuments.
(viii) Slogans, street plays and seminars against dowry system:
(ix) Promotion of self-employment schems.
(x) 'YOGA' practice for maintenance of good health and
inculcation of spirititualismamong the students.
(xi) Disaster - prepareness training for assistance to local authorities in relief and re-habilitation work during the natural calamities and national emergencis.
(xii) Production oriented work like rodent - control and post management, weed-control, soil testing and soil health care, promotion of co-operative societies.
1(iii) Preservation and beautification of college campus N.S.S Camp
The N.S.S. volunteers usually undertake the projects assigned to them on sundays and Holidays. An Annual camp is usually arranged .
during the vacation. 75% of attendance is obligatory at the annual camp. Certificates of participation at camps are issued to N.S.S. volunteers. Detailed information regarding N.S.S. programmes may be obtained from the programme officers.
(i) If a student enrolled in the N.S.S. successfully compltes 24 hours of regular N .S.S. programmes in two years. He / she is entitled to get a certificates from the concerned university to which the college is affiliated:
(ii) There are provisions for participation in inter college and inter state N .S.S. camp and National Intergration Camps.
iii) There is provision for outstanding N.S.S. volunteers for going abroad.
(iv) In voluntary organisations and other social sectors, priority in employment is given to N.S.S. volunteers.
(v) Anound 20 nos of volunteers may be appointed or observed with a stipend of Rs. 700/- to each Der months for two vears or till one attains the age of 25 years. Plantation and its preservation have been introduce.
(vi) N.S.S. volunteers from all parts ofthe country are now participating in the Republic day Parade inDelhi since 1988. New Incentives are also awarded.
Two units of N.C.C. are operating in V.N.College, one under the 7th (Orissa) Battalion, Bhadrak and the other under the 1st (Orissa) Battalion, cuttack.
Enrolment is open to all the students who satisfy the standard of physical fitness.
The enrolment forms can be had from the N.C.C. officers or from their office, Training Commencess in August. That forms duly filled in must reach the concerned N.C.C. officer within 10 days from the date of admission into different classes.
(i) An N .C.C cadet is required to undergo four hour of training every week for 20 weeks in a year.
(ii) In addition to the weekly training cadets are requir d to attend two CAT / D.G organised camps and courses during their tenure in N.C.C. in order to quality for certificate 'B' examination after 2nd year and certificate '0' examination after 3rd year of Training respectively. .
A cadet shall obey and carry out the orders and directions of any person placed in command over them. The following actions will constitute breach of discipline according to N.C.C. Acts and Rules of 1948.
i) Wearing uniform when in parade. .
(ii) Resorting to strike or violence or any part of disorderly conduct in or outside the college premises.
(iii) Any kind of threatening, in-subordination, se of vulgar language, exhibition of objectionable behaviour or contempt to the officer in command. .
(iv) Negligence in obeying a general or unit order or such other
actions as mentioned in the N.C.C. Act and'Rules.
All the above officers and acts of indiscipline will be seriously dealt with and cadet will be liable for punishment as providedunder NCC Act I Rules.
(1) A cadet will be eligible for the following benefits he I she conducts himself well and complets his training successfully and obtains certificates.
A cadet will get the following extra percentage at the time of admission into a college. '
(a) 'A' certificate holders - 2%
(b) 'B' certificate holders - 3%
(c) 'C' certificate holders - 5%
(d) for attending D.G organised - 5%
outside the camps I courses.
(2) NCC 'B' and 'C' certificate holders get extra percentage of marks for recruim,ent to Army I Navy/ Air Force /ITBP/ BSF/ CRPF/Coast Guard Unit/CISF etc. .
(3) For 'c' certificate holders there is provision for 40% reservation in the Service Selection Board if the cadet passes in the written test conducted by UPSC for commission officers.
Besides these, 'C' certificate holders get the following reservation benefits.
(a) IMA - 64 seats per course
(b) Naval Academy, Cochin - 6 seats per course
(c) IAF - 10% in flying Branch and 10% in other branches.
(d) Military Nursing Service - 24 seats per course.
Additional marks are given for recruitment to JCO and Graduate HAV clerk and other Banks in the following manners.
/ Artificer
Certificate' A'
Certificate 'B'
Certificate 'C'
(4) The sergent of policy cadre of state, Special Anmed Police Force is exclusively reserved for 'B' and 'C' certificate holder: Impression marks are given for recruitment to General Police Cadre.
(5) State Govt. scholarship worth Rs. 2000/- is given to SD / SW cadets.
(6) NCC cadets will have to attend the social services like slum clearance, village upliftment, Eye-donation, Blood Donation, Chestire Home, Anti Dowry Drive, Anti Leprosy Drive, Adult Education, Traffic-control, Tree plantation, Jatra camps, Road construction, visitplaces of Historical importance, Assistance during Natural calamities and cultural shows etc.
The college is enrolled as Youth Red Cross group with the Indian Red'Cross Soceity, Orissa Branch. An annual subscription of Rs. 15/ - is collected from each student towards the Youth Red Cross Found.
(a) Service to the sick and the suffering (b) The promotion c£"health
(c) Inter-nation friendship.
Stude.nts who have the spirit of service or the sick and the suffermg and wish to become active member of the Youth Red Cross have to apply for membership and get their names.
Special emphasis is laid on the following activities.
(a) Service to the sick and the suffering.
(b) Practice of personal health habits
(c) College hygiene, cleanliness of class rooms, grounds and
up-keep orthe college garden.
(d) Cornmunity hygiene; Taking up works of hygience and
cleaplin sin the nearby villages.
(e) Inter collegegroup correspondence.
(i) Youth IWl Cross activities are moderated by an Executive Committee connsistin of a minimum of five and maximum of eleven members. The committee will elect form among themselves a chairman, a vice chairman, a secretary and a joint secretary. The tetm oillie committee will be one year.
(ii) The Youth Red Cross Counseller appointed by the Principal from among the members of the staff will be entitled to attend the meetings oillie executive committee and to guide the deliberations.
(iii) Meetifigof the cormnittee'should be held at least once a month and related rules of business may be formed by thecol11mittee.
The Rovers and Rangers (Scouts and Guides) unit of Vyasanagar Auto college is affilated to the BHARAT SCOUTS and Guides of the state of Orissa. Rovering is the senior section or the Scout wing and Rangering is the senior section of the Scouts wing and Rangering is the senior section of the Guides wing. Rovering is meant for boys and Rangering for girls scouting and guiding movement, the biggest non-political educational, disciplined and uniformed volunlary youth force of the worId and of our country has been playing a vitaI role in n character building and service to the nation.
A student of today is likely to be an administrator / a leader of tomorrow. It is useful programme that gives self-confidence anti a$suranc.e toa student volunteers for happy and healthy social life. It is practical training for good citizenship through joyful and amusing activities that promote young students physical and mental development. This is the only organisation which covers the total range of activities and training under the N.C.C., N.S.S. and the Y.R.C.
Social service is the sole motto of this organisation. Community development programmes such as National Integration, Population education, Conservation, Drugs control, Anti-dowry system, AIDS programmes, Oppbsition of Electoral rigging in the booths and sanitations are some of the fundamental activities of the Rovers and Rangers wing.
The student -volunteers are competent enough to participate in Nipun Test, Chief Ministers shield competition and Upa-rastrapati Award competition. The successful participants avail wide scope in the Government ofIndia. Services like Indian Railway service, Indian Police Service, Military Service etc. They also avail Bonus marks in the selection for higher studies.